He was the god of the underworld ,Death and Rams
roman = Pluto greek =hades Your question makes little sense. The Greek name for the Greek god Hades is Hades. His Roman name is, as mentioned above, Pluto.
Hades was the god of the underworld.
He was greek god of the underworld
No, Hades is the Greek god of the underworld. Thanatos, is the god of death.
Hades is the greek god and ruler of the underworld.
No, Hades is the god of the underworld, according to Greek mythology.
The god Hades is pronounced: 'hay-dees'.
There is no Greek god "Sades": there is a Greek god Hades.
Hades was the Greek god of Tartarus, or the Underworld. He was also the god of the minerals and metals that come from beneath the Earth's surface.
Hades' Greek name is simply "Άδης" (pronounced as "A-diss").
No Hades is a man. Hades is the brother of Zeus.