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The issue here might have to do with hormones and spacial skills. BBC Monday, 24 January, 2005, 15:00 GMT

'Bad driving 'linked to hormones'

"Spatial skills such as map reading and parking may be difficult for some women because they had too little testosterone in the womb. Some men have long held that women are deficient in these skills. Scientists from the University of Giessen, Germany, writing in the journal Intelligence found a lack of the hormone affects spatial ability."

"Dr Nick Neave, British Psychological Society...," " an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Northumbria who specializes in spatial awareness and gender differences." He says: "The sexes do use different skills to find their way around. Men seem to be able to keep the route in their head without landmarks, whereas women do use them. "So men may be better at finding the car when its parked in a huge shopping center car-park. It may also tap into driving and parking abilities." He added: "Men do seem to be better at spatial abilities, and women at verbal and emotional skills.

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Not All Girls Are Bad Drivers, Some Girl Drivers Are Equal To Men Drivers, Everyone Has Different Abilities

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Why are women terrible drivers?

wow! i have no idea on what ground you based that statement. According to statistics women have fewer accidents, pay lower insurance on their cars and are therefore described as carefull and responsible drivers.

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You can find information about women drivers at various places, depending on what exactly you're looking for. There are psychology blogs that reference the gender divide between men and women drivers, "funny pictures" of women drivers, and informational sites with statistics and other facts about female drivers.

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All insurance companies provide insurance to lady drivers. It would be extremely rude and sexist if insurance companies refused women, not to mention bad for business.

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Women are emotional and irrational. Women are bad drivers. Women are more nurturing and caring. Women are not as good at math and science. Women are less ambitious and career-focused.

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I think that, as all over the world, also in Italy there are good drivers and bad drivers.