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Q: Why do all happy families resemble one another?
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When was All Happy Families... created?

All Happy Families... was created on 2004-03-28.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Sopranos - 1999 All Happy Families 5-4?

The Sopranos - 1999 All Happy Families 5-4 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:16

Who is the author of the quote happy families are all alike every unhappy family is unhappy in there own way?

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" is the opening quote of the Leo Tolstoy book, Anna Karenina.

How does the fact that all stories resemble all others help the reader better understand what he is reading?

People understand things that are familiar better than the unfamiliar, so when stories resemble one another, they're familiar and more easily understood.

Why is the marriage in the Philippines a marriage of families?

ALL countries are this way. When you get married, you marry into another family.

What makes the periodic table table different from all the other families?

None are derived from another.

Why there is a broken family?

Because not all families are perfect. Sometimes families broke up perhaps the mother and father had a big argument and finally they decided to divorce which means that their not happy living together.

Use resemble in a sentence?

The two siblings resemble each other so much that they are often mistaken for twins.

What is a sentence with the word resemble in it?

The suspects resemble an old style gang.The photos of the older couple resemble my parents.Two possible sentences for 'resemble' would be:Although in the same Order of animals, a koala and a wombat do not resemble each other at all.I have been told that I resemble my brother in appearance.

Why does snow make people happy?

Snow can make people happy for a numerous number of reasons. Kids like to play in the snow. Adults like how beautiful it makes the Earth look. But most of all, it brings together families.

How do you say happy valentine's day to all my families and friends in Samoan?

Happy Valentines Day = Ia manuia le aso Valentine.

What is the first line in Anna Karenina?

English: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" Russian: "Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастлива по-своему."