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babies lungs are small so when they cry they are letting out air, allowing them to not breathe while crying .

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Q: Why do babies stop breathing when they cry?
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Does a baby cry only after umbilical cord is cut?

No, babies cry once their nose and mouth have been suctioned so that they can breathe the air around them. This is why babies can be safely delivered in water since they don't automatically start breathing.

Do silicone babies cry?

No silicone babies do not cry

Why do babies cry when they born?

Because they need to catch their breath from being inside of fluids for 9 months, and if your baby doesn't cry well..... i suggest u pray because it means your baby is not breathing.

Do babies cry at 7 months?

Yes, babies cry often, no matter the month.

Why babies cry after the delivery?

babies cry when they are born because the need to take their first breath.

Why don't babies cry with tears?

dude! u don't get it do u!! babies cry tears!

What will happen to Kakashi?

Well, I don't wanna spoil it, but it has something 2 do with hiccups...that make him stop breathing...and makes me cry D:

Why do babies cry for?

Babies cry for many reasons. They may be hungry, thirsty, wet or simply unhappy.

Why do babies cry when they want something?

Babies cry when they want something because they forgot how to log on to

When the babies are born what do they do?

When babies are born they cry and scream

What starts the heart contractions?

The breathing and the cry.

Is it bad when babies cry for a long time?

It depends...letting a baby cry, when it is hungry or dirty, for a few minutes is fine. It actually helps develop their lungs by breathing in and out quickly. But if a child is sick or has a fever, crying raises the body temperature. If they cry too long, you could have a bad situation on your hands.