Beacuse women dont like to make hasty and rational decisions, on choices that could change their life forever. Saying she needs time to think means that she needs time to think about the decision she will be making. Women dont like making mistakes and having regrets that can eat away at them for the rest of their lives. They never want to be left thinking, what if? So when a woman does say she needs time to think: give her that time, you owe her that much.
sometimes guys have trouble completely devoting themselves to their happy relationship. they need to take breaks, relax breathe & have time to themselves in order to keep the relationship to its best.
No.depends on if the guys know about the others or if they think they are in an exclusive relationship with you.
That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child
I don't want to talk right now I need some space and alone time.
It all depends in your relationship. If you are serious and think that you guys are going to be together for a long time, then sure, get a ring. If you guys are rocky and on a verge of breaking up any second, then NO. Do not get a ring. It will be a waste.
"...Needs time to think..." is one indication that you should apply patience to the relationship. That does not mean absence, though, so remain in-touch and keep the relationship active. But, be patient and let your partner sort out their heart, their mind, and ultimately your two lives.
Guys don't really know how to verbally express their feelings and would prefer to avoid any confrontations of any kind during a relationship. They need time to think about things - give him space and time he will come to you when he is ready, don't be pushy or overbearing.
That type of response from a male is a nice way of saying I have had fun but its time to move on. Usually that type of response is from male that is in a long-term relationship. Men need some free space; if you are not giving him time with the guys then you are cutting him from his freedom. If a man feels he can’t do anything with out asking you then usually that is the type of response that you would get and deserve.
This all depends on personal preference. Some people think two guys are disgusting while others think two girls are disgusting. But there are also people who think both are disgusting and this is a fear known as homophobia. Thinking something is disgusting is not the same as fearing it. Those that don't know the difference are almost as disgusting as the person that ask the original question. Also, what makes anyone think a 2 guy relationship must be anything without first defining the type of relationship. I had a relationship with several guys. One was my father, we had a father-son relationship. it was a good one. I have relationships with my 3 brothers, brotherly relationships. All are good ones. I have friendly relationships with several guys I worked with. The only time we hold hands is when we shake hands. So, before you start going off about what is good, bad, disgusting, or whatever about a 'relationship', define that relationship.
most guys about 95% do all the time the other 5% not that much
It is because either you and him is his first relationship or he wants to be different this time and doesn't know what to do or know how to be a better guy. So, give him time and space to relax to think. He may have other issues to tend to besides being good in a better and healthier relationship soon.
I don't think so. If you think you can manage a long distance relationship, then no. If you have a feeling that you can't, then maybe you guys can just be friends for the time being. Hope this helped! ☆