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Or that the guy is an idiot who doesn't want to take responsability for his own actions!And Never really liked the girl.He is just like other guys who will say and do anything to get you to have sex with them.

AnswerI think the reason why guys say they love you to a girl because it helps the girl feel calm about the relationship and the more the girl clings to the guy the easier it is for the guy to get into the girls pants. Thus leading to a pregnancy in which the guy doesn't care about at all.
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Q: Why do guys say the love their girlfriends then when they end up pregnant he leaves?
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From personal exsperience i think its bc you share so much with that person and of course your always going to love them no matter what. They love there gf of course, but there ex will always be in the back of their mind,

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It could possibly be because they haven't got over them yet and still love them!

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Is it good to want to text your boyfriend?

Sure. Infact I would love it if my girlfriend sent me text messages often. Guys also like reassurances from their girlfriends that they love them. It would just show how concerned you are about him and that you love to be with him. In my opinion, you should definitely give it a shot.