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one, she shouldn't be screaming to get their attention she hasn't set the standard of how she wants to be treated by the kids she needs to demand respect. she is not the children's friend. she is their parent. love does not mean giving the kids everything they want. Following Through! I agree with the above answer but I would like to add that it is important when giving kids direction as to how you expect them to behave, you must follow through with the consequences when they do not follow your direction. Without following through, you miss setting up limits. It is also important to be consistant so they know what to expect, not to delay imposing the consequenses you promised and let the consequences be appropriate. The more kid know what they may expect as consequences, the less likely are they to indulge in inappropriate behavior.

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Q: Why do the kids behave better around me than my wife my wife and i are NOT separated we are happily married actually but my wife has to scream at the top of her lungs to get respect from kids?
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