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Q: Why do you want to become the head girl in your school?
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What should you write in your head girl letter for your school?

Why you want to be Head Girl.

What is a vice head girl speech?

A vice head girl speech is a speech delivered by a student who is running for the position of vice head girl in a school. This speech typically includes information about the candidate's qualifications, reasons for running, and their vision or goals for the role if elected. It is an opportunity for the candidate to persuade their peers to vote for them.

Why would a girl want to become a boy?

because sometimes a girl has the mind of a boy but the body of a girl.

What does diggy like in a girl?

He like a girl with a good head on her shoulder. Also want to be something in life.

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If you are in middle school and want to ask a girl out, just ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. The rest will just happen from there.

How do you see yourself after ten years if you want to become a pilot?

a head

What classes you need to take in high school to become a zoologist?

Answer: you need to take zoology in high school if you want to become a zoologist :)

What does Chris Brown want in a girl?

He wants a girl who's smart and not a total air-head. He also wants a girl who has curves and hips.

What do high school guys really want in a girl?

Mostly sex.

Why do you want to become a debutante?

To become a debutante, a girl must be invited by the cotillion or debutante committee in her region.

You want to drop out of school to become a cosmetologist can you do this?

Most require a high school diploma or GED.

What should you say in a head girl speech?

Say why you wanted to be a headgirl and what you aim to do during your change as head girl. Inroduce yourself. This is true but if you want to be head you should fill out a form of saying what you will do and how you will help people.