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Q: Why does married man get angry at mistress for chatting with other men?
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What is the other name for married women?

Madam, Mrs, Mistress.

What happens after mistress tells wife?

I've been in this situation too, except it was with a boyfriend. I was his girlfriend at the time. My ex not only cheated on me but another girl as well. He kept TWO relationships hidden from both of us. We both dumped him and were very angry at HIM (now the other girl and I are friends). There are different situations: a) If the mistress knows he is married; b) The mistress has no idea that he is married; c) If the mistress knows that he is married then honestly she is stupid; because if you are the mistress and he is cheating on his wife, why wouldn't he do the same exact thing to you. b) If the mistress has NO idea that he was married and the wife finds out, she may confront the mistress or she may confront her husband. It depends of the wife. WOMEN ARE WORTH MORE THAN A CHEATING GUY; DONT STAY WITH THEM AND THINK THAT THEY ARE GOING TO CHANGE FOR YOU, THEY WON'T. THEY ONLY REALLY CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN NEEDS.

What to offer your mistress for Valentine when you and she are married to other people?

nothing call it too an end!

Why would a married man get upset when his mistress does not want to be friends?

A married man who expects his mistress to just be friends is either unintelligent or has a high opinion of himself. Married men who cheat and have a mistress on the side generally use that mistress for a sexual relationship only, but some mistresses believe that the man truly loves her over his wife. The man should stop cheating and consider other people's feelings other than his own.

What do you do if you are married and love your mistress?

Sit down and think, if it wasn't for the mistress, would you want to leave your wife? If you are doing it for yourself (and as a bonus get to be with the other woman that you love) then go for it!

What do you call a married man who also has a mistress?

I would call him a cheater and a lowlife, among other things.

How do you know if you are a mistress?

If the guy you are seeing has a wife or girlfriend, and you are 'the other woman'.B: If you are involve with a married man right now you are the mistress. A mistress is a woman who is single or married that's having a relationship with a married man.The relationship of a mistress to this married man are only:1- part time2- you can't call him at home3- he can't stay with you at night4- he can't be with you during holiday or special day5- he can't take you out publicly because of his friends or family might seeyou together.This are facts and more of how a mistress is treated. If you are on this pathget out or else your life will not improve and you will stay hidden from everyone because of this married man.

How mistress ruin the relationship of husband and wife?

mistress can be a big ruiner to good relationships. ANSWER: Yes a mistress is part of a broken family between man and his wife. Unfortunately it's not all the mistress ( sorry I am a wife), fault and start the messing around but the married man is. Reality check here, married men are the one that search or look for other person we called mistress. Some mistress are single, some are married but still become the other woman. Because we love our husband most of us will blame the other woman, for ruining our safe, normal, and comfortable life. It is wrong because its our husband who started all. It's our husband that meet the other woman, hide the relationship, and yes having a second life away from us. The only thing we can say to those women who are having an affair to a married men is learn to say no._" No thank you, your are married " and I deserve to meet a single man.

Married man falls for his mistress?

sometimes ANSWER: yes they do. In scale of 1-10, 8% of married men do fall in love with the other woman. and include the man I married, big time..

Who is responsible on stopping the harassment the wife is receiving by the mistress the other woman or the married man who had the affair?

Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.

When it comes to adultery the other woman's side?

The 'other woman' is the mistress and she has no business seeing another woman's husband no matter what the married man says is wrong with the marriage so there is 'no other side' for the other woman. If he is so unhappy he can separate or divorce from his wife and has no excuses for cheating. Some men use the other woman for a sexual relationship and at first some men may actually feel they are in love with her, but it is generally pure physical attraction and the excitement of someone new in their life. The mistress is left thinking she is the one and only in the married man's life, but there is a very low percentage of a married man ever marrying his mistress. The mistress is generally used as an end result and hurt and left alone in the end or, used by the married man.

Would a married man get jealous of his ex mistress if he sees his friends talking to her or any guy for that matter?

yes he would cause he still loves her and he wouldn't like any guy talking to her because it makes him angry to see you or anyone other woman talking to a man so of course it would make him jealous hope this helps you