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its for phoneys

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13y ago

Because he feels pency is for phonies.

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Q: Why doesn't Holden want to stay at Pencey anymore?
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Some examples of foreshadowing in "The Catcher in the Rye" include Holden's concern about the ducks in Central Park, which foreshadows his own feelings of displacement; his fixation on the idea of being a catcher in the rye, which foreshadows his desire to protect innocence; and his fear of growing up and entering the adult world, which foreshadows his struggles with identity and maturity throughout the novel.

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You can do nothing, legal age to leave home is 17. If he is in a stable home there anit nothin you can do about it, overbaring parent. Stay out of your sons life, he odviously doesnt need you anymore.

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you tell him that if he wants to be with his kids he'll stay with you . but if he doesnt then he doesnt love you