because he's probably a little shy maby you need to open up and ask why? you cant be scared you have to take control.
doesnt matter if there in it or not. just talk. hes you EX boyfriend. who cared what he thinks.
hes a homo
that sucks. i guess you should just talk to him and ask him why he doesnt want to, like if he just isn't ready or if its you.. no offense!
Dont forget him. You need to talk to him, tell him how you feel about how he is treating you. :)
Ignors you and doesnt talk to you.
He most likely is liein about not wanting to get back together with you or he wants a reason to talk to you.
if he doesnt talk about it much, doesnt bring it up during conversation.
Be yourself! talk about what you would talk about with your friends! ya i know easier said then done! but still try it and if that doesnt work just try to get to know him better.
Because your his, and he doesnt want anyone to take you away from him. He thinks he might lose you, and he just, (lets put it this way) he loves you very much and doesnt want to let you go!
say the same things to him whilst your on the phone always works with my boyfriend when you see him agen you should shag him hard if that doesnt work, buy a dick shaped vibrator and fantisise together or something, luv!!!
if you are trying to say he dont say he loves you then u just start it off and while yall are on the phone then just say ' you know i lovve you right?'
you know when she doesnt talk to you that much and she doesnt let you hug her or kiss her and she runs away alot that's when you know she has another boyfriend