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Because most parents categorize tattoos and piercings with bad groups of people that may be delinquents, juveniles, drug addicts, etc. And they do not want you to fit in with that crowd. They want you to remain on a good path. Every person only has a certain amount of No's in them to give out.

For example, if you are offered drugs for the first time, unless you are trying to be a bad kid you are probably going to say no. But how many times will they ask until you are tempted to say yes? If you have tattoos and piercings, you will probably end up hanging out with a group of friends that have access to drugs. Not many people will offer drugs to a kid wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt with a decent haircut. No they'll go for the kids with tattoos and piercings. To remain on a good path it'd be smart to minimize the piercings and tattoos. I guess small, unnoticeable tattoos that just mean something to you are alright. And ear-piercings are an OK but lip piercings, naval (belly button), and other odd places should be a NO.

That's why. :) they love you.

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Q: Why don't parents like tattoos and piercings?
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Does Bill Kaulitz like girls with piercings?

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