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He's probaly looking at the person behind you so dont worry.

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hey likes you

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Q: Why would the guy you like look or stare at you at least once a day for over a year?
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Why would a guy look or stare at you at least once everyday for half a year and still do it and sometimes stare as he walks past you without saying anything when you stared at him once long time ago?

he thinks your cute.

Would boys look at you if they think you are a freak like look at u every single day and stare at you?

If a oy thought you were a freak, he would avoid looking at you!

Do guys only stare at girls when she is pretty or do they stare even when she's ugly?

Well sometimes they stare at you because you stare at them...or maybe they like you! But if there is a chance they do when they look at you smile at them then close your eyes and look away! It works everytime

How long can you hold a stare with a girl you like With out being a weirdo and also if a girl stares at you after you stare at her then she looks for a sec then you turn away does she know i like her?

yes She would know if you stare then look away. You could tell her how you feel or you might not want to depending on the situation. She knows. You could probaly hold less than 5 secs approx with out being a stare. If you have constant stares or chekc her out then you look like a perv.

How do you know a guy like you with out talking to you?

he will look at stare at you and sit by you

Do guys look or stare at a girl that they are not interested in at least once a day?

Maybe its because they want to know you.

What would an infant would least prefer to look at?

A newborn has no preferences, but it does not take it long to prefer things that look like faces. So you could say that everthing that is not a face is what an infant would least like to look at.

Do you supposed to stare girls in the eyes?

Girls like it when you look them in the eyes

Would you stare at your lap after you see your crush look at you?

It depends on your personality.

Does the guy still like you if he doesn't go near you anymore but still stares at you for a long time?

Well depending, on which stare he gives you, is it that light stare or that stare where he is kinda acting like what are you looking at or why the heck are you looking at me?! look. If it's that light look, he's totally into you, if not sorry... (:

How can you tell to girl that you like you?

she will always stare at you. when you look at her she will turn around quickly.

Why close your eyes to receive a kiss?

Why would you stare at someone that is an inch from you? and it would look creepy.