Are you asking what you should do? Because you question isn't clear
be honest with your boyfriend
well first just dump the other guy!! then let him see you with the guy you liked. so he will get over you faster!!!!
It depends on how mcuh your relationship is worth do you really like the guy your with or do you like the other guy
not at all
Tell your boyfriend about the guy with feelings for you, and your boyfriend will handle it. But, if you also like the guy who is hitting on you, then tell him that you already have a boyfriend and that you should be just friends for the moment. There is always a nice way and a way that actually works, it is your choice which. Hope I helped!
i would pick the guy your not going out with take a chance with him.
ask yourself it worth it? is this guy u like worth losing what u have with your bf?. then decide. also keep your future baby in mind
if you do really like this person, say to Ur boyfriend I'm sorry but its not working wait 2 or 3 days to ask they other guys out and if u still love Ur boyfriend stay with him!
when you and your boyfriend fight about another guy that is either insecurity or jealousy
maybe you like blonde guys
You are free to decide whom you prefer, your current boyfriend or this other guy whom you also like. But only have one boyfriend at a time, otherwise they can become jealous of each other.
You will lose your present boyfriend and the guy you flirted will be your boyfriend? :)))