Don't try being so cool and just try being yourself! It works every time. As you start corresponding and get to know her better then being 'cool' will come naturally to you. Most girls just like a realistic guy who acts themselves. If you aren't a so-called cool person and try to act it you could well make a fool of yourself.
they act cool and telk to them.
I personally think that would be pretty cool -From a 16 yr old boy
it depends, if the girl likes guys to be cool around her so that she would like... some doesn't want it.. :) No definitely not. All that does is make you look like a fool in front of her. And she will actually try to avoid you. (by the way this is a girl answering)
Get her alone! And say it like a mixed message. Examples- you look good/are cool/make me laugh. You wanna sit with me? Give her hints. So she will admit it to you!!! Or just plain out ask her. Will you go out with me?
You can impress the girl by writing a message about how much you like and respect her.
there are many names for a girl like cool girl or dazzled girl
If you cant tell the girl directly that you like her simply look into her eyes evrytime and she will get the message
No, he sings like a girl!
yes cause he's cool like that
Guys like to impress girls no matter who they are and if you know them or not.
Act cool but not really cool other wise the girl wont like you
A cool sport is football; If your looking to impress a girl. But, If your'e not, a cool sport is what sport you like best.