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pity and sympathy.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 11mo ago

Aristotle believed that it is the unmerited misfortune of the tragic hero that arouses feelings of pity and fear in the viewer, leading to catharsisโ€”an emotional release or purification that brings about a sense of relief and renewal.

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Q: Aristotle states that it is the unmerited misfortune of the tragic hero that arouses what in the viewer?
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Totle states that it is the unmerited misfortune of the tragic hero that arouses in the viewer?

pity and sympathy

Aristole states that it is the unmerited misfortune of the tragic hero that arouses in the viewer?

A sense of pity and fear. Aristole believed that through experiencing these emotions, the audience could undergo a catharsis, or a purging of emotions that leads to emotional renewal and clarity. This catharsis was the ultimate goal of tragedy in Greek theatre.

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What game did Aristotle invent?

My info on him states he was a teacher, scientist, started the first school, and wrote books, but doesn't show he invented a game.