"The Twits" by Roald Dahl is set in the modest home of Mr. and Mrs. Twit, who are a revolting couple with grotesque habits. The story takes place in their unkempt garden and within the walls of their shabby house, where they plot nasty tricks on each other.
a city
Yes i have the twits and its great!
The protagonist in "The Twits" by Roald Dahl is Mr. and Mrs. Twit, a vile and repulsive couple who play mean tricks on each other. The story follows their misadventures and the consequences of their nasty actions.
The Twits was created in 1980.
Roald Dahl wrote the BFG and the twits.
what is the setting of story of A COWARD
The antagonist in "The Twits" by Roald Dahl is Mr. and Mrs. Twit, a cruel and unpleasant couple who play mean tricks on each other and torment animals. They are the main source of conflict in the story and are portrayed as despicable characters.
the people are all twits
Roald Dahl's "The Twits" is a prose work, not a poetry collection. It tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Twit, two nasty and spiteful characters who play mean tricks on each other. While Dahl is known for his humorous and imaginative writing style, "The Twits" falls into the category of a short story rather than a poem.
The Twits by Roald Dahl has 76 pages. (This will vary slightly from edition to edition).
"Guests of the Nation" is a short story by Frank O'Connor. The setting for the story is a boarding house. The setting is remarkable in that it is an unusual setting for a war story.
"Guests of the Nation" is a short story by Frank O'Connor. The setting for the story is a boarding house. The setting is remarkable in that it is an unusual setting for a war story.