On the off-chance that the questioner actually meant FILIAL -- Filial is a term used to refer to a kind of genealogical relationship with another person.If that was not what they meant, there is no word such as "fila' except as the manufacturer of athletic footwear.If it is being used as an acronym or abbreviation for something, such abbreviations tend not to be universally used, and may mean something only to the small group of people to whom it is known.
BLR IS the abbreviation.
786 abbreviation stand for bismillah-i-rehman-e- raheem
Cnty is the abbreviation for County.
Supt is the abbreviation for Superintendent
"BBQ" is the abbreviation of "barbecue."
what does beds stand for
St. is the abbreviation for saint or street.
what does the abbriviation OECS stand for
GHD is an abbreviation for Growth Hormone Deficiency.
The abbreviation pkg stands for package.