Puchi's daughter Leslie.
Leslie is Puchi"s (Nilda Perez Roman) daughter from another man before she meet Hector Lavoe she not his biological daughter.
In 1993 he was buried in St Raymond Cemetery in the Bronx and in 2002 was reburied in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Puchi Puchi Virus happened in 2007.
Puchi Puchi Virus was created on 2007-07-05.
It is a Japanese name, meaning "peitite."
Puchi Carat happened in 1997.
Puchi Lavor interview
His maiden name is 'Joe'
Puchi Carat was created in 1997-10.
Puchi had a daughter from a previous relationship named Leslie. Hector adopted her.
Puchi Balseiro passed away on July 15, 2009.