The theme of "Bend It Like Beckham" revolves around breaking stereotypes and societal expectations, particularly related to gender roles and cultural differences. The film focuses on the challenges faced by a young Indian woman who dreams of playing football professionally, despite her traditional family's disapproval. It explores themes of identity, pursuing one's passions, and the importance of personal agency.
victore beckham
The duration of Bend It Like Beckham is 1.87 hours.
Bend It Like Beckham was created on 2002-04-11.
Bend it Like Beckham was released on 03/12/2003.
The cast of Really Bend It Like Beckham - 2004 includes: David Beckham as himself
"Bend It Like Beckham"
Bend it Like Beckham grossed $76,730,377 worldwide.
Oh yes Victoria Beckham likes football, as she is from England and watches David Beckham play.
go to acedemy's like i did with david beckham go to acedemy's like i did with david beckham go to acedemy's like i did with david beckham
Bend it Like Beckham grossed $32,543,449 in the domestic market.
Beckham is the top paid player in the world he get like $500,000,000 in a year.