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White Fang barks for the first time when he sees his mother being attacked by a lynx. His bark is initially weak and hesitant as he tries to protect his mother, showing his instinctual response to danger and his loyalty to his family.

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Q: Why does White Fang bark for the first time?
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Should mighty fang and bark be back in sonic?

mighty bark and fang should return because last time mighty was seen it 1995. bark and fang are oldschool but they should return

What is the time of year in chapter 2 of White Fang?

Chapter 2 of "White Fang" takes place in the winter, as White Fang experiences his first taste of snow and cold weather in the wild.

What is the copyright date of White Fang?

"White Fang" by Jack London was first published in 1906, so its copyright date would be around that time.

Why does White Fang not become close to Matt?

White Fang does not become close to Matt initially because he has not yet learned to trust humans due to his previous experiences with cruelty and mistreatment. It takes time for White Fang to build a bond with Matt based on trust and affection, as Matt consistently treats White Fang with kindness and patience.

What quote summarizes the exposition of White Fang by Jack London?

The climax occurs after Weedon Scott saves White Fang's life at a time when the wolf-dog is highly suspicious of humans. His 'mastery' over White Fang and love for him is something this animal has never experienced before.

What are the Foreshadowing or flashbacks in White Fang?

In "White Fang" by Jack London, foreshadowing occurs when White Fang is born into a harsh environment, hinting at the challenges he will face throughout his life. Flashbacks are used to provide insight into White Fang's past experiences, such as his time with his mother Kiche and his interactions with humans, helping readers understand his development and behavior.

Why Does White Fang Not Like Matt?

White Fang does not like Matt initially because he associates him with the pain and fear he experienced when he was caught in a trap by humans. He sees Matt as a threat and fears being captured or hurt again. Over time, as Matt treats White Fang with kindness and patience, their relationship gradually improves.

Why does White Fang go back to the Indians after they move camp and What does this return show about White Fang?

White Fang goes back to the Indians because he is no longer used to the harsh wilderness and he longs for their company, the loud sounds of the camp, and the warmth of the fire. This shows that White Fang is so accustomed to man that he is no longer a wild animal.

What weakness did White Fang have?

White Fang's main weakness was his aggressiveness and tendency to rely on violence to solve his problems. This often led to conflicts with other animals or humans and put him in dangerous situations. Over time, through his experiences and interactions with more compassionate individuals, White Fang learned to trust and cooperate with others, gradually overcoming this weakness.

What causes white fang to lose his fear of tepees?

White Fang loses his fear of tepees through exposure and familiarity. As he spends more time around them, he realizes they are not a threat to him. His interactions with humans living in the tepees also play a role in desensitizing him to his fear.

How does White Fang fall about Beauty Smith?

White Fang initially fears and hates Beauty Smith due to the abuse and mistreatment he receives from him. However, over time, White Fang's feelings towards Beauty Smith change as he learns to understand and navigate human behavior, ultimately developing a complex relationship with him.

Does Maximum Ride truly love Fang?

max does truly love fang but it takes her a long time to know for sure.