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inadequate in inventory pricing

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Q: An inventory turnover analisis is useful to the auditor because it may detect what?
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What does the term inventory indicate?

The term inventory indicates that a business houses products and services. Inventory can be inefficient because the company is using money to purchase inventory instead of investing it in the company.

Is annual turnover the income of sales for a company?

Annual turnover is annual sales revenue. The money which is generated from selling a product or service. This must not be confused with annual income because income is associated with profits and with income tax while turnover is not! Turnover is the language used by businessmen when asked what their sales figures are for the month or year. It is also used as a management tool to manage and compare the performance of a business with previous years and also with market competitors. If the turnover is high, it does not mean the income is high, because turnover is simply the starting point before profits are calculated and before gross and net income can be ascertained.

What is absolute assurance?

Absolute Assurance is the highest level of assurance an auditor can give, if s/he checks each and every transaction. Therefore, absolute assurance is the level of assurance that can only be given if the auditor does not perform sampling testing. However, because of the time and costs involved, it is not feasible for an auditor to give 100% level of assurance. With much fewer costs and time involved, s/he will be able to provide around 60% level of assurance by providing what is called Reasonable Assurance.

How does a review differ from an audit particularly in terms of the level of assurance implied by the auditor's report?

An audit of historical financial statements is a form of attestation service in which the auditor issue a written report expressing an opinion about whether the financial statements are in material conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. When presenting information in the form of financial statements, the client makes various assertions about its financial condition and results of operations. External users who rely on those financial statements to make business decisions look the auditor's report as an indication of the statements' reliability. They value the auditor's assurance because of the auditor's independence from the client and knowledge of financial statement reporting matters. A review of historical financial statements is another type of attestation service performed by CPAs. Whereas audit provides a high level of assurance, a review service provides a moderate amount of assurance on the financial statements, and less evidence is necessary to support this level of assurance.

Why is closing stock written at credit side in trading account?

Closing stock or as it is also named as closing inventory is definitely an asset. But trading account is not the same as Inventory account. Inventory, being an asset, should have a debit balance in Inventory account. Trading account is a distinct account and both must not be mixed up together.The answer to the question "why closing stock is written on the credit side of the trading account" lies in understanding two points:First, Cost of sales must be matched up with current year's revenue and as the inventory at the end of the period has not been sold and thus should not be accounted against sales revenue, therefore it must be deducted from cost of sales. That is the conceptual reason why we deduct closing stock from the total of opening inventory and purchases.Second, in order to account for the inventory at the year end in the trading account, closing entry is passed and due to this closing entry closing stock appears at the credit side of trading account. This is the accounting reasonfor having it on the credit side. The closing entry is as follows:Debit: Inventory accountCredit: Trading accountInventory account is debited as inventory is still with the entity at the end of the period and is an asset so asset will be raised by debiting the inventory account.Students must understand that at the end of the period this asset is raised because usually it is not known how much stock is still with the entity until stock count and it was all treated as part of cost of sales i.e. trading expense against this period sales.But as it has not been traded that's why trading accounting in which cost of sales has been recorded it will be credited to give the correct information of the total inventory consumed in making current period's sales which is Opening Inventory + Purchases - Closing Inventory.

Related questions

What is the negative impact on good inventory turnover ratio?

An unusually high Inventory Turnover Ratio compared to Industry could mean a Business is losing sales because of inadequate stock on hand.

Should consumption against consignment items will be considered in inventory turn over ratio because consign inventory is not the part of average inventory?

The short answer is no. If you consume a consignment item, you just bought it. It's not inventory turnover for you, because it's not your inventory - now it's a consumable, an asset, or a personal purchase which should not be on your books at all, except to pay the sales tax owing. Any other treatment of it is deceitful and illegal.

How does drop shipments affect turnover?

Should help increase inventory turnover because the inventory doesn't go into your plant and sit on your shelf. Supplier ships right to customer. Typically you get the customer order, and you maybe used to make the part but now you buy it, so you order from your supplier once you get order from customer and ask supplier to 'drop ship' direct to your customer.

Why an auditor's report is in form of opinion and not in form of fact?

Because the auditor's report is an opinion. Just because that one auditor thought what they did. It does not mean that all other agree. The auditor's report is a formal opinion, or disclaimer, not a fact.

Why auditor are not creatures of regulation?

because auditor has qualification it's to confius.. i don't get it

Why absolute assurance is not given in audit?

Because it is not the responsibility of the auditor. The auditor work must be within economic limits.

Does increase in inventory increase cash flow?

Increase in inventory reduces the cash flow because by paying cash company purchases inventory.

What does the term inventory indicate?

The term inventory indicates that a business houses products and services. Inventory can be inefficient because the company is using money to purchase inventory instead of investing it in the company.

Is annual turnover the income of sales for a company?

Annual turnover is annual sales revenue. The money which is generated from selling a product or service. This must not be confused with annual income because income is associated with profits and with income tax while turnover is not! Turnover is the language used by businessmen when asked what their sales figures are for the month or year. It is also used as a management tool to manage and compare the performance of a business with previous years and also with market competitors. If the turnover is high, it does not mean the income is high, because turnover is simply the starting point before profits are calculated and before gross and net income can be ascertained.

Are inventory tags worth the cost?

Inventory tags are worth the cost because they tend to keep inventory straight. You will have an organized inventory and an easier tab on inventory.It all depends on type of situation.

Does an increase in inventory increase or decrease cash flow?

Increase in inventory reduces the cash because by using cash company purchased inventory to be use in resale.

When a protein is denatured what will happen to the turnover number?

When a protein is denatured, its turnover number may decrease because denaturation can disrupt the protein's active site, leading to a decrease in its catalytic activity. The turnover number is a measure of how efficiently an enzyme can catalyze a reaction, so if denaturation affects the enzyme's ability to function properly, the turnover number may be altered.