

Does the letter k represent 1000?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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In Finance, Accounting or Forex, this symbol (K) means 1.000 units. Just like a kilogramme means 1.000 grammes.

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Q: Does the letter k represent 1000?
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Why does k represent the number 1000?

I believe in latin "kilo" means 1000, k is short for kilo.

Do you represent the temperature on kelvin scale by the letter 'k' or 'K'?


What number is 1000 k?

k is used to represent 1000, from the latin "kilo". However, it is also used to represent 1024 ( = 210) in information technology. So, depending on the context, the answer is 1,000,000 or 1,024,000

What number does the capital K represent?

Capital K = kelvin, a unit of temperature 0 K = absolute zero = -273 degrees Celsius Lower-case k = kilo, a prefix meaning 1000 k = kilo = 1000 kilometer = 1000 meters kilogram = 1000 grams kilobyte = 1000 bytes etc....

Why is the letter K used to describe 1000?

because it was A O K about it.

What letter represent thousand in Roman numeral?

1000 = M

What fraction is represented by letter k?

k often represents 1000 the multiple, not a fraction.

When they classify stars with O B K etc what does each letter represent for example does K represent Kelvin does B represent Balmer?

It has to do with temperature but K does not represent Kelvin. Here is a site that might help you:

Why is K used as in 20K10 or 47K miles on a used car when M is 'thousand' in Roman Numerals?

The general use of "k" to represent 1000 comes from kilo,the SI unit for 1000. Ie 1 kilogram (kg) is 1000 grams.

What is the value of the roman numeral k?

The letter K is not used in Roman Numerals. At one time the symbol K was one of several symbols which were used to represent the number 50 but the system was eventually standardised and L became the standard form for 50. BETTER ANSWER; K is not a Roman numeral. It is from our own alphabet and is actually short for Kilo, which normally represents the 1000 multiple of a unit. When we measure by mass, a kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. When the letter K is used the way you gave in your example, 40K, it means: 40 x 1000 or 40,000 miles. If you check the business or real estate section of your newspaper you will see ads that say, for example, $130K. That means: 130 x 1000 or 130,000 dollars. So "K" is a multiplier by 1000.

Why does the letter K stand for thousands place value?

K stand for Kilo. kilo is the measurement of 1000 grams! Thus 1k is 1000, 300k is 300,000

What are some math words for the letter K?

The prefix "k" is the short term for "kilo" which means "1000". It is used often such as in "kilo"grams ("k"g)(1000 grams) or "kilo"meters ("k"m)(1000 meters).