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There are some finance companies that will offer credit to people who have bad credit ratings. However caution should be taken as the interest is likely to be very high when choosing this option.

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Q: How can a person refinance an auto loan with bad credit?
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Where can one go to get a bad credit refinance auto loan?

A person can try Road Loans the website to get a loan to refinance their car while they have bad credit. One can also try BankRate, Harbor Credit, eLoan, or use Auto Credit Finders.

How can one get a auto loan refinance with a bad credit?

One can get an auto loan refinance with bad credit from several providers of this type of loan from such companies as, Road Loans, Get Me Car Finance and Midland Credit.

Is it easy to refinance an auto loan?

Getting a refinance auto loan can be hard or easy for some people, because it depends on your credit status. If your credit score has improved since your last car purchase, you have great chance of getting approved for a refinance auto loan.

Where can someone with bad credit refinance an auto loan?

Reputable lenders are likely to be the only solution if someone has developed bad credit. An auto loan is a loan taken out against a person's car, and if the payments are extremely high for any reason, it is likely that the person will not be able to afford the repayments.

Can the primany buyer of an auto loan refinance the auto loan in the cosigner's name only?

No. The cosigner would have to apply for a loan in their name using their credit, income data.

How would you refinance an auto loan?

You can refinance an auto loan at any place you can get an auto loan. It may be best to use an agency in which you have already gotten a loan through before.

Where can one obtain a refinance on an auto loan with bad credit?

Lending Tree, Road Loans, Auto Credit Express, CarsDirect and Harbor Credit are all places to see about refinancing an auto loan with bad credit. Local banks and credit unions, may also be able to help with this.

Where can one refinance their auto loan?

One can refinance their auto loan at any bank. One simply has to apply for an auto refinance loan. It is important to compare all of the available options; that way a lot of money can be saved.

Where can one find information on auto loan rates if they are looking to refinance?

If one wants to refinance their auto loan, a good place to start is to look at the same lender when they got their first auto loan. There can be a significant rate drop. They can also compare rates offered by different banks and credit union.

How can a person refinance bad credit?

The best way to refinance bad credit is to take out a loan from a company or bank that is willing to work with you. There are many companies to look at depending on the item you want to refinance.

Where can someone find an Auto Loan Refinance Calculator online?

One can find an Auto Loan Refinance Calculator online at Lending Tree or PNC. One could also find an Auto Loan Refinance Calculator from Nationwide or NFM Lending.

Do auto refinance loans generally come with high interest rates and how do I qualify for one?

Auto refinance loans do typically have higher interest rates than new purchase loans. You can get refinance loan from many major banks and credit unions.