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The monopolies and trusts caused corruption in the government by supporting pro-business representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives. Also, because these vast corporations had so much power in the economy America, they threatened the government into behaving to their desire by reminding it that they could destroy the economy very easily. So basically, the government was a puppet to the seemingly more powerful business woners like John Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan.

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Q: How did monopolies and trusts influence the government?
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Why were people oppose to the creation of monopolies and trusts?

Trusts put smaller competitors out of business using unfair tactics. Trusts could unfairly raise prices since they had no competition. Trusts had too much influence on government officials.

How did the monopolies and trusts use their money to influence the government?

Trusts and Monopolies had vast funds to influence government by supporting pro-business representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives. They could also use their money to pay for lobbyists who would promote the business agenda on Capital Hill. Finally, because these corporations controlled the jobs in America, they could push their employees to support certain candidates for public office.

What was the antitrust policy?

trusts were another name for monopolies so antitrust policy was were the government intervene to prevent monopolies from forming

Why did the government at first hesitate to break up trusts and monopolies?

I don't think it was really malicious. The government just didn't see trusts and monopolies as a problem, even though they were reducing the amount of business activity in the United States.

Why did government at first hesitate to break up trusts and monopolies?

I don't think it was really malicious. The government just didn't see trusts and monopolies as a problem, even though they were reducing the amount of business activity in the United States.

Why were many people opposed to the creation of monopolies and trusts?

Trusts put smaller competitors out of business using unfair tactics. Trusts could unfairly raise prices since they had no competition. Trusts had too much influence on government officials.

What did roosevelt do about monopolies and trusts?

he cancelled them.

How did the US Congress respond to concern regarding the power of trusts?

Public pressure for a federal law to prohibit trusts and monopolies led congress to pass the sherman antitrust act in 1890.

Why did powerful capitalists form monopolies and trusts?

The government had to pass the anti trust law to restrict trusts and monopolies to protect the value of the consumer dollars. The Anti trust laws help to promote a free and fair trade marketplace competition.

How did the government respond to public pressure to prohibit trust and monopolies?

Public pressure for a federal law to prohibit trusts and monopolies led congress to pass the sherman antitrust act in 1890.

Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act passed?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts or business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anticompetitive. It also requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts (monopolies).

Which was a progressive goal pursued by President William Howard Taft?

breaking up business trusts and giant monopolies