

How many members in cooperative?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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more than or equals seven.

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Q: How many members in cooperative?
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How many members are there in a cooperative?

No set number.

What is an agricultural marketing cooperative that helps members sell their products?

producer cooperative.

What is a service cooperative?

A service cooperative is a type of cooperative business where members pool resources to provide services to themselves. These services can include healthcare, housing, childcare, and more. Members typically have a say in how the cooperative is run and share in any profits or benefits.

What is the cooperative guarantee fund?

A cooperative guarantee fund is a financial pool established by a cooperative to help protect its members against financial losses or risks. Members contribute to the fund, which can be used to cover any member's losses or liabilities within the cooperative. It provides a form of mutual support and risk-sharing among members.

What are the functions of cooperative society?

the public function of a cooperative society is related work other then it's members

What is co-operative?

A retailers' cooperative is a type of cooperative which employs economies of scale on behalf of its retailer members.

How can you finance a Cooperative?

Cooperatives have members, and the members pay a fee, annual fee is typical.

What are farmer co-ops?

In this type of common-ownership organization, farmer members pool their crops and store them in their own cooperative-owned elevators. Farmer-cooperative commission agents then sell the wheat, in many cases, to farmer-cooperative terminal elevators.

What is cooperative bank?

Cooperative banks are governed by the provisions of State Cooperative Societies Act and meant essentially for providing cheap credit to their members. it is an important source of rural credit in India.

What cooperative sells merchandise to its members at reduced prices?


What is a business owned by its members that is managed in the interest of the owners?

a cooperative

How does a cooperative work?

A cooperative is a business or organization owned and operated by its members to meet their common needs. Members contribute resources, participate in decision-making, and share in the profits or benefits generated by the cooperative. They adhere to a set of democratic principles and values, aiming to promote equality and mutual support among members.