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Q: How much is stock brokers commission?
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Related questions

How much do stock brokers get paid?

Stock brokers usually get paid between 300.00-500.00 per week salary when they are trainees. After that they work on commission. Stock brokers can make anywhere from 30,000 to over 1,000,000+. There is no set limit. The harder they work the more they get paid.

How much does it cost to buy a stock?

The market cost of the stock you are wanting to purchase + brokers commission + any relevant taxes or stamp duties.

How much is real estate brokers commission in Ohio?

The normal real estate brokers commission is around 3 percent. Some function as both seller and buyer brokers and make 6 percent.

What is the commission rate for a futures broker?

The commission rate for a futures brokers vary according to how much work is in it for them. You can find discount brokers for as little as 59 cents per trade.

How are stock trading brokers regulated?

They are usually regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Some are regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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How many stock brokers are there in the US?

How many stock brokers in the us

What is stock purchase commission?

You have to pay a fee to the broker whenever you buy or sell stocks. Online brokers generally have the lowest fees.

How much is the average real estate brokers commission in New Mexico?

The average real estate brokers commission is around 5,000 dollars per transaction. They usually earn 3 to 6 percent of a sale.

What are some of the most popular online discount stock brokers?

Many popular discount stock brokers can be found online. These online stock brokers include brokers such as TD Ameritrade, Etrade, OptionsKing, TradeKing, and OptionsExpress.

Do brokers trade stock on the New York Stock Exchange?

Yes, brokers trade stock on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the Chicago Stock Exchange.

How can a discount broker offer a cheaper commission and still turn a profit?

Discount brokers are able to offer a cheaper commission and turn a profit by dealing with the basics only executing the transaction and not offering advice on investing and buying, as other types of stock brokers do. Discount stock brokers typically receive their commission from fund managers, and not directly from the investors. Because of the reduced amount of time spent per customer, due to it being an execution only type job, a discount broker can charge small fees and still turn a decent profit from their work.