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if the consumer`s income changes it will influence the budget line and it will shift to the right.

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Q: How will an increase in income affect the budget line?
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What is budgetline in economics?

budget line in economics can be defined as a line which shows the various combinations of two products that can be bought in a fixed or given income.the budget lie graph is a downward sloping line whose gradient shows the ratio between the prices of two goods X and Y.there will be a parallel shift in the budget line due to an increase or decrease in income!points insyd the budget line are inefficient since income is saved and outside the line they become infeasible.

What is budget line and show the shift in budget line?

A budget line is a locus of combination of two goods a consumer can afford to buy with his/her income.shift in a budget line can be caused by various factors like a change in individuals income

In drawing a budget line it is assumed that?

money income is fixed

Why a budget line sloping downward?

Because the expenses are greater than the income.

What is the definition of budget line in economics?

A budget line is a line showing the alternative combinations of any two goods that a consumer can afford at given prices for the goods and a given level of income.

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What is the definition of budget in economics?

A budget line is a line showing the alternative combinations of any two goods that a consumer can afford at given prices for the goods and a given level of income.

Can two goods be inferior?

No,two goods cannot be inferior at the same time.We know that the demand for the inferior goods decreases with increase in income. suppose the income increases, to compensate this increase and to satisfy the new budget line and with the assumption that the consumer is rational,the amount of any one of the good must increase so as to leave the consumer with a bundle on his new budget line .If both the goods are inferior then the amount demanded of both these goods would decrease thus violating the axiom of revealed preferences. even if they are one of the good would be relatively more inferior to the other.

What is a budget line and how is it useful in reaching consumer equilibrium?

it is a line showing all possible combinations of two goods(goods-1 and good-2) which a consumer can buy with his given money income and the price of the goods prevailing in the market.anywhere on the budget line the consumer spends his entire income on either good1 or good2 or both the goods. each point on the budget line indicates the different combinations of good1 and good2 which a consumer can buy with his income. in indifference curve analysis consumer attains his equilibrium when the slope of price line/budget line is equal to the slope of indifference curve.equilibrium is attained at that point where ic curve is tangent to the price line.....

What information is embodied in budget line?

i think it represent the extent a consumer can his income provided he/she doesn, 't goes beyond the line

In moving along a given budget line?

the prices of both products and money income are assumed to be constant.

The alternative combinations of two goods which a consumer can purchase with a given money income is shown by?

A budget line.