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you have to work for your meals, nothing is just givin to you, you should work and be an asset to society yourself and others

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Q: There is no such thing as a free lunch what does this mean and what significance does it have for us?
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What does tinstaafl mean to consumers?

TINSTAAFL There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

What does the letters tinstaafl stand for and what does it mean to consumers?

There is no Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

What does the phrase there's no such thing as a free lunch mean in economic terms?

people must face tradeoffs

What do the letters tinstaafl stand for and what does the term mean to consumer?

it means THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH. what the term means to consumers is that nothing is free you have you to buy it.

What does the phrase nothing comes free mean?

Nothing comes free, also there's no free lunch, are phrases that mean one way or another you will pay for everything you get

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The significance of the mean of a probability distribution is that it is the most probably thing to happen. The mean is the average of a set of values. If it is the average of a probability distribution, it is the most probable part.

What did Milton Friedman mean when he said there is no such thing as a free lunch?

Simply put, it means that nothing is "free" since somebody has to pay for it. Basic economics require that whenever goods or services are required, somebody has to pay for it. If nobody pays for it, someone (you) will eventually go broke.

What do you mean by fallacy of free lunch?

It means that whatever you get you will eventually pay for. If not in monetary terms then in some other way.It was perhaps made most famous by the author Robert Heinlein, a phrase he used in several of his books.

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Exit to lunch

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It means no limit to eney thing

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el almuerzo = lunch

Do capitalism and free enterprise mean the same thing?

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