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In 1935, Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act, often called the Wagner Act, which guaranteed workers:

1.The right of collective bargaining- Labor unions were allowed to negotiate emplyee benefits with large business owners

2.It established rules to protect unions and organizers.

The Taft-Hartley Act Continued to guarantee unios the right of collective bargaining but also:

3.Gave the President power to halt major strikes by seeking court injunction for an 80- day 'cooling off' period

4. Established "Right to Work" Laws. Laws that forbid labor contracts from requiring workers to join unions to hold jobs.

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Q: What are four ways the government regulate business?
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Two ways the government of a country can regulate business is to enact new laws that influence business and raise or lower taxes.

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"Government Agencies" - such as the immigration, power supply, tourism, agriculture, education etc.. as the word regulate means to "coordinate", the government agencies can be argued to be the type of business organization with the most government regulation as the government coordinates all forms of activity within their system.. In terms of non-governmental organization, it will be said to depends on the country as different countries have different ways of different businesses. however, some close suggestions will be in the Aviation business, Heavy industry and manufacturing business such as ship building, mining and extraction businesses etc..

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1. Go to school. 2. Start a business. 3. Employ people to your business. 4. Make money.

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