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When a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives, this action normally is a benefit for the public. A social initiative of hiring more lower income employees helps enrich the community and gains a good or better reputation for the business. Other initiatives such as donating funds for the homeless or for environmental causes simply helps all people.

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Q: What happens when a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives?
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What best describes the goal of the firm?

To maximize profit by spreading business activities vis a vis adhering to corporate social responsibility.

What is meant by The Social Desirability of Shareholder Value Maximization?

Is it good for the society, as a whole, for management of corporate resources to be focused on maximizing shareholder value? Or are there

What is a roadshow?

Roadshow is a program comprising a series of marketing events that companies organize at multiple locations to generate interest regarding a subject that they want to promote. It could about new products/services targeted at customers, new investment offerings (IPO etc.) targeted at investors, new social initiatives targeted at the community and so on....

Why profit maximization is not always the aim of a business firm?

Profit maximization can often mean sacrificing other things to obtain it which isn't desirable in alot of cases. An example is the environment or abusing human rights. As society has evolved theres been an increased demand for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and this has led to alot of companies not directly aiming for profit maximization. Thats not to say that profit maximization and a CSR approach can't co-exist, companies such as general electric capitilize on this new demand for CSR to actually profit. Look up corporate social responsibility for more info, its a huge topic these days

What is successful business?

Primarily a successful business is measured in terms of profitability. But aside from profits there are many other parameters that are used to measure success. Some are: 1. Return to shareholders 2. Market capitalisation (share price) 3. Leadership / dominance in the industry in which it operates - does it have dominant market share and are its products recognised for their quality and value 4. Employee and customer satisaction 5. Social responsibilities - does it give back to the community and society through non-profit activities 6. Standards of corporate governance - is it honest in its reporting; does it comply with the laws and behave like a responsible corporate citizen

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When a firm undertakes corporate social initiatives it is?

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What is corporate social responsibility?

I dont know do i