

What is 24x30?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is 24x30?
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How many square feet in 24x30 meters?

24x30 meters (720 square meters) equates to 7,750.02 square feet.

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How much drywall do you need for a 24x30 room?

That will take 27 sheets.

What is the minimum number of identical square tiles needed to tile a rectangular floor measuring 24x30?

20 tiles.

What is the weight of a 24x30 patio stone?

Average weight of 30" x 24" patio stone is 110 lb (50 kg)

How many Square yards in 24X30 Foot room?

You multiply the width by the length to get the area. In this case the answer would be 720 square feet which is 80 square yards.

How much will it cost to build a house 24x30 in the mountains of Ponce Puerto Rico?

Roughly 30,000 , the main factor is cement or wood, wood being cheaper by 10g. Latin Exclusivo Online Matchmaking and Dating service in Puerto Rico

What is the size of a room that is 250 square feet?

A foot is a unit of distance. A square foot is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.

What is the value of a signed Harold Rome painting?

I own one large one ,the 24x30 approx of a Italian village in th style of Cezanne , painted 1960 signed and dated I paid about 200.00 and I love it and it was a deal with other stuff I have seen online a dealer in San Diego selling one of comparable size for 1750.00 so who knows Value is nice but to be truthful buy what you love I never heard of Harold Rome til years after I bought it

i have a nice mobile home on two lots with a metal 24x30 building, garage, appraises for 50 to 60,000.00 i can't get a $8000.00 loan from the bank because of my low credit score. what can i do, everything is paid for, i owe nothing on the property.?

Because your property is paid for you may be able to get a "Home Equity Loan" which is a loan that uses your property as collateral incase you have to default on the loan. Your credit score may cause problems with this as well, however. Call your local bank that you currently use to ask about a home equity loan. Another route to take might be getting a loan through "peer to peer" lending. There are several sites that allow you to do this - Prosper and LendingClub are two of the largest sites. At both of these sites you create a username and password and write a description about why you need the loan. If people think you are trustworthy enough to give a loan to, they will provide funding.

Why do some professional photographers still insist that photographing on film is better?

Because pictures on film look better! Seriously, these are the main reasons I can think of for staying with film: 1. Film is Guaranteed to Work. File formats change as new ones are invented, and a lot of older formats are no longer supported. The photographer who uses film will never have to worry about his or her customer calling in the dead of night, "I can't get this open." 2. If kept in a suitable environment, film does not become corrupt. I can't count high enough to tell you all the times I have had to call customers for replacement files because the ones they sent went bad on them. Film doesn't do that. 3. Film is far more enlargeable than digital. Let us say you go out with a 6MP camera and I go out with my old Nikon. If we decide to make 24x30 prints from our photos, mine will be a little grainy (because I would have gone out with a very fine grain film like Fuji Velvia) and yours will look like that new Marine Corps camouflage that's made of little squares. If you're working with a film scanner, you can scan the slide to a larger size and get the same effect. 4. Film handles out-of-dynamic-range lighting better A digital camera will attempt to bring out detail in the darkest and lightest areas. Unfortunately, the picture will get really pixelated in those areas. A film camera, like your eye, will let the over-dark areas just go black and the over-light areas go white. 5. It's quicker to work with slides than digital All pro photographers and lots of serious amateurs have light tables. You can put twenty sheets of slides (20 slides per sheet) on the table, turn it on and pick out the one you want. It takes far longer to open 400 files. - - - - - Film is an analog medium, and will capture everything that is seen through the lens. Digital cameras are limited by bandwidth (pixels). Some information is lost from a digital camera than cannot be captured. Digital cameras provide a cheaper and more accessible product, so if you are a casual consumer there's nothing wrong with using digital. A professional photographer would not want to miss even the most minute of details.