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Functional Departmentalization- Putting jobs that do similar activities together into a

single department Functional departmentalization - Grouping activities by functions performed. Activities can be grouped according to function (work being done) to pursue economies of scale by placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into departments for example human resources, IT, accounting, manufacturing, logistics, marketing, and engineering. Functional departmentalization can be used in all types of organizations.

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Q: What is functional departmentalization?
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What is departmentalization why is it required discuss any one form of departmentalization?

Departmentalization refers to dividing a given organization into different departments so as to perform specific tasks according to their specialization. Examples of departmentalization in an organization includes geographical, product and functional.

What type of departmentalization that occurs when organization units are defined by the nature of the work?

Functional departmentalization occurs when organizational units are defined by the nature of the work. This type of departmentalization groups jobs and activities based on their functions or roles within the organization, such as marketing, finance, or operations. It helps create specialized units focused on specific tasks or skills.

What is an example of functional departmentalization?

An example of functional departmentalization is organizing a company's marketing department based on specific functions such as advertising, market research, and promotions. Each function is led by a manager with expertise in that area and employees within the department focus on tasks related to their specific function.

What is difference between functional organisation and product organisation?

a functional organisation is departmentalized on basis of different functions that are carried in running the organisation e.g. Sales, Marketing, Finance, Customer Assistance, A product organisation is departmentalized on basis of different product it produces e.g. an organisation like unilever can have a toothpaste department, Washing Powder Department etc. Same goes with the Brand departmentalization like Vaseline and Ponds. Some functional departmentalization is usually retained in Product/Brand Departmentalization such as central manufacturing department, Customer Assistance department etc.

Overhead departmentalization in non-manufacturing business?

denine overhead departmentalization

What type of departmentalization is most likely to be used in organizations that works around the clock?

Functional departmentalization is most likely to be used in organizations that work around the clock as it groups employees based on their skills and expertise. This ensures that employees with similar knowledge and experience are available to handle tasks at any time of the day.

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What factor describes the range of depth of individual jobs specialization?


What is hybrid departmentalization?

Hybrid departmentalization involves organizing a company by using a mix of different departmentalization methods, such as by function, product, geography, or customer. This approach allows companies to benefit from the advantages of multiple departmentalization structures while addressing their specific needs and goals. Hybrid departmentalization can enhance flexibility, coordination, and specialization within an organization.

What is Basis of departmentalization in the hospital?

it is null

Advantages of departmentation?

With departmentalization, managers can isolate problems within the organization quicker. One disadvantage is the fact that departmentalization discourages cooperation among departments.