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lack of common sense..

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Q: What is lack of common measure of value?
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What is the problem with the barter system?

Demerits of the barter system include the lack of common unit value and lack of system for storage of value or purchasing power. It is inefficient and has a lack of double coincidence of wants.

This is a common denominator that can be used to express worth in terms that most individuals understand?

measure of value

What do protists lack what probably makes them so diverse?

a common ancestorA common ancestor is what protest lack. This is what makes them so diverse.

Absolute value is a measure of?

Absolute value is a measure of distance.

Isn't the lack of religious and moral value is the factor of gangsterism?

no, it is lack of self esteem

Is money a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'money' is a common noun, a general word for a medium that can be exchanged for goods and services; something used as a measure of value; a word for any money of any kind.

What do all monerans have in common?

They lack a nucleus.

Definition of absolute value?

Absolute value is a measure of distance.

What Conditions necessary for a measure of variation to have a positive value?

It is that the measure is somehow related to the absolute value of the observations compared to some fixed value and also that there IS some variation.

Common community problems in the Philippines?

lack of financial!

What is common in aging men?

balding is the most common, lack of libido is another one.

What is Individual value crisis?

The value crisis or the crisis of values talks about the lack of values in today's society. This lack of values is seen daily in the number of crimes committed around the world.