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a tax system that takes a larger proportion of income from high-income people than from low-income people

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Q: What is the best definition of a progressive tax system?
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What is the definition of a progressive tax system?

A progressive tax system is a system where the tax rate increases as the amount of the taxable base increases as well.To know more about progressive taxes, visit the link below:

What is the best definition of a proressive tax system?

A progressive tax system is one in which tax rates increase as taxable income increases. This means that individuals with higher incomes are taxed at higher rates, while those with lower incomes are taxed at lower rates. The goal of a progressive tax system is to redistribute wealth and promote economic equality.

Is the best definition of a progressive tax system?

a tax system that takes a larger proportion of income from high-income people than from low-income people

Is the federal gift tax progressive or regressive?

Homework questions are really best answered by referring to your class materials. What is the definition of progressive VS regressive...and how is the gift tax applied?

What is the tax stratagy where the consumer pays a higher tax rate as income increases?

a "progressive tax" A "progressive" tax system. == ==

What type of tax best describe the federal income tax?


Why is the progressive tax is the ideal tax system?

the progressive tax system is the ideal one because it would not be unfair to the people whose income are less because the more you earn, the higher your tax rate.So it means that people who earn less will pay less tax rate while those people who earn more will pay more tax rate. That's the good thing about progressive tax system.

What does a progressive taxation system do?

it increases the tax as income rises

In a progressive tax system as income increases the percentage paid?


What does the progressive taxation system do?

It increases the tax rate as income rises.

What is a progressive tax structure?

What is Progressive Tax Structure

Who pays the most taxes in a progressive tax structure?

A progressive tax structure places the highest tax burden on those people who can best afford it; i.e., those who make the most money.