Actually it is the other way round. The interest rate paid out on a savings account is generally more than that paid out on a checking account. Checking accounts offer very little or no interest at all in most countries whereas savings account offer a small interest rate.
Bonds have a predetermined rate of interest called the stated or contract rate, which is established by the board of directors.
an individual borrowed 5,000 forf 80 days and paid 100 in interest what was the rate of the loan use ordinary interest
Gary, who paid $37 each month for the first six months and $67 for the next six months, would have paid his loan at a variable interest rate.
Actually it is the other way round. The interest rate paid out on a savings account is generally more than that paid out on a checking account. Checking accounts offer very little or no interest at all in most countries whereas savings account offer a small interest rate.
Bonds have a predetermined rate of interest called the stated or contract rate, which is established by the board of directors.
Coupon rate is something that is paid semiannually. The interest rate is something that starts as soon as a bond is issued.
63 dollars
an individual borrowed 5,000 forf 80 days and paid 100 in interest what was the rate of the loan use ordinary interest
Annual Percentage Rate. Refers to the Interest rate paid on a car loan.
Not usually. A "4 percent increase in the interest rate" usually means that there is some reference interest rate of x percent that is increased to 4 + x percent. This means that the interest paid increases from x percent of the principal to 4 + x percent of the principal. Therefore, the interest paid increases by 100 (4/x) %. For example, if a recent Federal funds rate of 1 % in the United States were to be increased by 4 %, the interest paid on any given amount of principal would increase by 400 %!
To rate paid for investments
It means that the interest is paid out every three months (quarter year). That means that the interest paid out after 3 months is earning interest for the remaining nine months. The quarterly interest rate is such that this compounding is taken into account for the "headline" annual rate. As a result, if the quarterly interest is taken out, then the total interest earned in a year will be slightly less than the quoted annual rate.