This depends on what dollar 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupee is 63.60 1 Australian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 50.32 1 Barbardian in Indiian Rupee is 31.98 1 Bahamian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 64.01 1 Canadian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 51.04 1 New Zealand Dollar in Indian Rupee is 46.15
Exchange rate is the converter of dollar into a rupee.
In 1980 1USD=7.8 INR
05 November 20091.00 INR = 0.0212517 USD1.00 USD = 47.0550 INR
3.375 Billion considering approx value of 1$ = 45 INR
30 Rupees!
The Rupee is calculated by the price raises of the Indian Rupee compared to the American Dollar. This is then calculated with a formula, giving the rate.
In 1845 the Indian Rupee was not that different in value compared to the USA dollar.
nope it isn't. There is Pakistani Rupee and there is Indian Rupee. Indian rupee is more stable compared to Pakistani which has hit its all time low compared to US dollar.
one fifth of a rupee. There are 53.7 rupee to a dollar, and 100 paise to a rupee.
Us dollar
Never. Pakistani/Indian rupee was started in 1947. Don't know the exact value of rupees at that time, but it was not greater in value than the dollar.
You need to be a bit more specific. What are you asking? Are you asking: 1) What year of Indian rupee coin would be worth about a dollar 2) What year was the exchange rate such that one Indian Rupee was equal to one USD (which I don't think has ever happened since the Rupee is a low valued currency when compared to the US) Or something else?
The demand and supply forces in the currency markets determine the rate of the rupee to the dollar. The currency is not fixed by a central bank.
1 U.S. dollar = 46.8999156 Indian rupees