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Q: Why does a business have size and scale?
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Related questions

What is the classification of business organization according to size?

Micro-scale enterprises, Small-scale enterprises, Medium-scale enterprises, Large-scale enterprises :)

What is a link between ownership and size and scale of a business?

it nothing hahahahahaha

What size business is oxfam?

large scale, as its global and has around 5955 workers.

What are the similarities betweem small scale and large scale industries?

It is in fact a question of scale! A small scale business could be a back-street garage, with one owner and a couple of mechanics. A large scale business could be a car showroom with branches in several countries. No matter what their size, their similarities are that they are trying to keep in business, make a profit, and make a living.

What are the problems of setting up small scale business?

what are the problems of setting up small scale business what are the problems of setting up small scale business

How can you measure the size of the business?

The size of a business can be measured in various ways, such as by annual revenue, number of employees, market share, or physical footprint. Other factors like profit margins, assets, and customer base can also provide insight into the size and scale of a business. Ultimately, the most appropriate measure will depend on the specific industry and context of the business being evaluated.

What is small scale business?

Small-scale business is a privately-owned enterprise or franchise.

List of small scale business?

The list of the small scale business includes the cyber cafe business, recharge card business, real estate business, and the fast foods business. The other types of small scale business includes food supply and bag printing business.

Sources of finance for small scale business in nigeria?

sources of finance to small scale business

What is main goal of a large scale business?

Humor: The goal is not to become a small scale business.

What is the difference between entrepreneurship and small business?

Small business just means a group below a certain size, with the benefits and drawbacks of operating on the smaller scale. Entrepreneurship refers to the spirit of enterprise, usually in people rather than groups, and it can apply on the big or small scale.

Important of smoll scale business in nigeria?

Examples of the small scale business in Nigeria includes the fresh fruit business, the food supply business, the retail shop business, and the carpet cleaning business. The other important small scale business in Nigeria includes web designing and forex trading.