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Because profit is the only one that keeps the doors open.

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Q: Why is earning profit considered as the only one of the objectives of business?
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Why is earning profit considered as only one of the objectives of a business?

Not really its the only objective of every business. It's a prior or u can say most important objective of business. Once you start earning profit then you can achieve associated objectives to it easily. In result, business will grow further.

What other objectives might a business have besides earning a profit?

wala lang

Why is earning profit considered as only one of the objectives of business?

Managers have a duty to their investors to make money. When they fail at this, they could be sued by their investors.

Why Business is doing for earning profit?

there is no man that thinks business without earning a profit.

What are the objectives of business?

one of the objectives of a business is to earn profit to improved their wealth.

What is the primary goal of the business?

Profit earning

What is business prime objectives?

To make a profit

What is the functions of strategic business units?

profit earning

Explain why a business firm's economic objectives have something to do with markets?

* Profit Earning * Employment generation * Demand creation * Risk taking * Survivul & Growth * Contribution to regional economy * Profit Earning * Employment generation * Demand creation * Risk taking * Survivul & Growth * Contribution to regional economy

Why is earning profit considered as only one of the objective of business?

Earning money is a businesses main objective because it has investors that expect a return on their money. When businesses don't make money they stop existing.

Common objectives of business organizations?

to offer product or service and get a profit

What is the earning power in Canada?

Earning power is typically used for companies, not countries. It refers to a business's profit earning potential, which is calculated by analyzing a number of metrics.