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The main reason is simply that because the coastline erodes away as fast as it currently is, the cliffs become weak at the bottoms and crumble into the sea, this is not only a danger of death but also houses near cliffs can be extremely hard to ensure. because of the risks. also remember no matter how pretty the view is or how pretty the house is, never buy a house on top of a cliff, cause if you do good luck cause you might die.

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Q: Why should you not build a house on a cliff top?
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Where can one find more information about a cliff house?

A well known Cliff House can be found perched on the cliff top in San Francisco. The first one was built in 1863 and changed into a restaurant . Information can be found on the internet under the heading of "Cliff House" and it's logo.

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there is nothing that lives on the top of a cliff.

What are the four locations of the best and worst places to build a house?

The best place would be far away from a cliff and the worst would be right on top of a cliff or some sort of land such as a beach or dierectly beneath it. At anytime, gravity will cause mass waisting, anotherwords the rock and soil will just break apart.

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Erect (four) walls and then build a roof on top.

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It is easier to build on top of the ground because you would have to dig a giant hole in the ground and build from what you dug, making more work than what was needed.

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they generally build on top of a high hill because they want it to be like a castle type of house

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Yes it is possible to build a pond on top of an house but doing this you must involve a Civil Engineer the walls may have to be thicken and foundations may get bigger. Just an architectural hint a glass(actually i think its perspex) pool is nice :)

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You don't need to have a cheat to have an upstairs. Build a downstairs floor and in the bottom left corner should be a house and two buttons, a one to go up and down stairs. Click the upstairs and build on top of the spuared tiles. Simple!

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Because he said that it would ruin the picture.

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There is a dent in the tree in the top corner. Click inside it.

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I might be wrong to whoever reads this, but I think a house-top carpenter is a person who replaces or makes the roof of a house. The carpenter might build the trusses that hold up the roof. A roofer is the person who puts the roof covering (tar paper, shingles, etc.) on top of the trusses.

What can you find on the east cliff of Whitby?

You will see 199 steps up to the top of cliff. At the top there is St Mary. 's church, the graveyard and Whitby Abbey and grounds.