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The garnishment wount. But what led upto the garnishment may.

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Does Virginia allow wage garnishment for credit card debt?

Yes, a judgment creditor can execute the judgment as a wage garnishment.

Does a wage garnishment damage your credit rating?


Can you write off credit card wage garnishment payments on your taxes?

You cannot write off credit card wage garnishment payments on your taxes. It is best not to get into a situation where your wages are being garnished.

How do you stop wage garnishment for credit card debt?

file bankruptcy

What happens if you hide your car from repossession in Iowa?

Eventually you will be court orderded to give up your car, and plus with a repossession, you will ruin your credit report and they will do a wage garnishment eventually.

Does Virginia allow personal wage garnishment for credit card debt?


Can you appeal a wage garnishment?

Can I appeal a wage garnishment in Md

Can credit card companies garnish wages for unsecured debt in Texas?

Not that I'm aware of, the credit card companies may tell you they can to collect a debt and if YOU AGREE to wage garnishment. They can take you to court on a judgment, which either you settle with them at court, or if you don't show at court impose a judgment that will attach a lien to any assets for ten years. I'm understanding that wage garnishment can only be Government (ie. IRS) and Child Support Agencies. Statues of limitations in Texas for credit card collection is four years. You can ask your employer about the rules on wage garnishment for clarification.

What are Missouri laws on wage garnishment for credit card debt?

This information is available at It reads as follows: WAGE GARNISHMENT EXEMPTIONS: 90% of weekly net earnings if head of household; if single without dependents, 75%

how can a get garnishment at a lower precentage.?

Only a court can lower wage garnishment; write a letter to the court that imposed your wage garnishment.

Can a credit card company garnish your wages in North Carolina?

No, N.C. law does not allow wage garnishment when it pertains to credit card debt.

How can I fight the wage garnishment for a repo?

How can I fight a wage garnishment for a car repo that was purchase in the year 2000