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Rutherford b Hayes

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Q: Winner of the 1876 disputed presidential election?
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The disputed election of was settled by a which declared that was the winner?

The disputed election of 1876 was settled by a 15-member Electoral Commission. The commission declared that Rutherford B. Hayes was the winner.

Who was the winner if the presidential election of 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who was the winner of the presidential election and 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the 1876 presidential election after he?

made a compromise with the Democrats.

Who was the winner of the presidential of 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who was the winner of the presidential election of 1876 apex?

Republican Party candidate Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate Samuel Tilden.

What Major Issue was Settled By The Compromises Of 1877?

it settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election and ended Congressional ("Radical") Reconstruction

Which presidential election was decided by a special commission formed to determine the status of disputed electoral votes?

The Election of 1876; between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden.

What was the winner of the presidential election of 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who decided the presidential election of 1876?

The election followed the Constitution and went to the House of Representatives to be decided. However a deal was made that the Republicans would end reconstruction in the South and remove the last Federal troops if Hayes was elected.

What was the 1876 Presidential election?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who won 1876 presidential election?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.