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Q: Did they ever recover Bethany Hamilton's arm?
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What was Bethany Hamiltons dominant hand before attack?

She is right-handed and she lost her left arm.

What is Bethany Hamiltons dads name?

Bethany Hamilton's father's name is Tom Hamilton. He has been a supportive figure in Bethany's life, especially after she lost her arm in a shark attack at the age of 13.

How much did the tiger shark weigh that bit off Bethany Hamiltons arm?

Tiger sharks usually weigh around 850-1,400 pounds

Why did the Tiger shark take Bethany Hamiltons arm off?

noun1.a male given name, form of

Does the girl that Bethany Hamilton still have her arm still have her arm?

The girl who played Bethany Hamilton? Yes. The arm stump was digitally added

What shark took Bethany Hamiltons arm?

The bottom of surfboards look like seals, which is food to a shark. Usually that is what causes shark attacks. In Bethany's book, she said she was wearing a watch on her left wrist, she still wonders to this day if it was the reflection of her watch that attracted the shark.

Was Bethany Hamilton's arm found at all?


Does Bethany Hamilton have 1 arm?

Yes, she has one arm from a shark attack.

What beach did betheny hamiltons arm get bit off?

Hawaii, watch the movie!

When Bethany Hamilton lost her arm did she win a competition?

Not the day she lost the arm, but she has since then.

Who lost a arm from shark attack?

Bethany Hamilton

How when and where did Bethany Hanmilton lose her arm?

well i know how her arm was in the water and a shark bit here arm off and when was get this hollween