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no they have fins and tails but no legs or arms :)

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Q: Do dolphins and sharks have limbs?
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Related questions

Are sharks scared of dolphins or are dolphins scared of sharks?

shark are scared of dolphin.

What is the relationship between dolphins and sharks?

They aren't any relationship between them as sharks eat dolphins.

Are Great White sharks dolphins?

No, they are not. Dolphins are a mammal, and sharks are not.

What are dolphins enemies?

dolphins enemies are bull sharks tiger sharks dusky sharks and great white sharks.sharks can kill dolphins.

Dolphins vs sharks?

Dolphins VS sharks, hmmm. Sharks are pretty strong but dolphins are better. Sharks have pretty sharp teeths but dolphins are much more smarter faster and can kill sharks by smashing their strong beaks right into the sharks gills. Sharks can swim ten to twenty miles per hour but dolphins can swim up to thirty miles per hour, let's go for the dolphins. Sharks has sharp teeths but dolphins has a really strong beak that can kill sharks. The dolphins is now the winner.

What animals hunt dolphins?

Great White shark,tiger sharks,bull sharks,orca whales

Are sharks and dolphins enemies?

Typically, sharks and dolphins avoid each other. On occasion however, sharks such as the great white will hunt baby dolphins. Dolphins are tough creatures and sharks have learned to ignore them, for the most part.

How do dolphines survive from sharks?

Dolphins hide from sharks and dolphins can also sense danger.

Do bottle nose dolphins eat sharks?

yes sharks do eat bottlenose dolphins

What do sharks dolphins and whales have in common?

They're both marine animals though the dolphin is a mammal.

Differences between sharks and dolphins?

Dolphins breathe with lungs while sharks breathe with gills.

What are dolphins preditors?

bull sharks, tiger sharks and dusty sharks