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well mostly the difference between crabs and hermit crabs is that one is not born with a shell and one is. Also hermit crabs tend to be smaller

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It protects it.

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Q: What is the relationship between hermint crab and snail shell?
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What is the relationship between a hermit and a snail shell?

What I know of that is hermit crabs will eat snails. However, hermit crabs will often use an empty shell of a sea snail.

Relationship between hermit crab and snail shell?

Snail shells are formed biologically as the snail grows up. Hermit crabs occupy empty shells and other containers, instead.

What is the relationship between a snail and a hermit crab?

Hermit crabs are known to use empty snail shells as protection for their soft abdomens. They often inhabit shells left behind by snails, creating a symbiotic relationship where the hermit crab benefits from the snail shell and the snail is not negatively impacted.

What kind of symbotic relationship does a hermit crab and a snail shell?

The snail dies, gets washed up to the shore, and a hermie either eats itd body or removes it, and occupys the shell.

Will a baby snail die if its snail shell is chipped?

yes a baby snail will die if it's shell is chipped because a snail shell is very delicate and so is the snail.

When a snail is born does it have a shell?

when a snail is born it has a shell, and its actual body is still growing in the shell.

What will happen if a snail loses its shell?

The snail's shell will get writing on it. What do you think.

What is a snail shell secreted by?

It is secreted by a portion of the snail body called the mantle.

What is the oldest part of the snail shell?

The oldest part of a snail's shell is the center of the coil. When the snail grows, it grows outward

What is a snail's home called?

A snail's home is called a shell. The shell is a hard, protective outer layer that is made up of calcium carbonate. It serves as a home for the snail, providing protection from predators and environmental conditions. The shell also grows with the snail as it continues to develop.

What is the body covering of a snail?

if you mean the shell.... it is made of calcium, it grows with the snail and gains whorls (the spirals) ..............similar to a tree, the more spirals the older the snail.

What is the name of a snail home called?

The name of a snail's home is called a "shell." A snail's shell is a hard, protective outer layer that is made up of calcium carbonate. The shell grows with the snail as it continues to grow, and it provides protection from predators and harsh environmental conditions.