

Are pears more expensive than apples?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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I'm not sure, but I like Oranges more.

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Q: Are pears more expensive than apples?
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Is the word how much more adding subtracting multiplying or dividing?

The correct answer is subtracting. The differnce between the 2 numbers which you are subtracting would be how much of an object. Example: Mary has 10 pears and 30 apples. How many more apples does she have than pears? Answer: 20, because 30-10=20. Therfore, 20 is HOW MUCH MORE apples there are to pears.

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Pears do not float in water because the pear is more dense than the water. The pear has a high water content, therefore making it more dense. For example, apples float because they are less dense than the water.

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This is a tricky one

What is the cost of a lb of pears when apples cost 5p per lb more than pears and 5 lb of apples plus 3 lb of pears cost 465p showing work?

Apples: x pence per lb Pears: x-5 pence perlb But: 5x+3(x-5) = 465p So: 5x+3x-15 = 465 => 8x = 480 and x = 60 Therefore: lb of pears cost 55p and a lb of apples cost 60p

What is the difference between apples and pears?

two completely different fruits they both have different shapes they both taste completely differently pears should be more firmer than apples when eating.

What fruits are with no acid?

Both are acidic, but apples more than pears.

What fruit releases the most ethylene?

Apple, bananas, pears. A rotting fruit you'll find will give off more ethylene gas than a healthy fruit.

Is a pear similar to an apple?

They are sort of alike. Pears have a softer and a little rougher skin than apples do. You can say that they are similar because of the apple pear.

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They can eat both, though they tend to enjoy pears more than tomatoes.

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Yes, apples.