It takes around 3 - 4 weeks for a platy fish to give birth.
They are freshwater fish.
A platy is a type of tropical fish. It is not a quantity or measure so one can not have a "platy of" anything including guppies.
Fish Food, Fish Flakes, dried Blood Worms
no, they are community fish
what do platy fish look like because i want to get my male Betta fish a male platy fish mate and i need to know how big and what they look like so i can put them together please answer soon because i am going on vacation tomorrow want the fish mate by today so he's not lonely while i am gone thank you
They do mate! As long as you have 3 females with 1 male and you keep the tank well planted and at the right temp!
a shark dan dan dan
big stomach
Bristlenose catfish (normal or albino), mollies, swordtails, black widows, some tetra species and sometimes bumblebee gobbies. There are many fish compatible with guppies.
Platy's are live bearing fish and do not lay eggs, the young are born alive and free swimming.
They can be pregnant (gravid) at 3 or 4 weeks.