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The female beta fish do not give birth and the males do all of the parenting. Simply, when a male is ready to reproduce he make a bubble nest at the top of the fish tank. Then then he searches out a female. When he finds her he wraps his body around hers so tightly that he squeezes out the eggs while fertilizing them at the same time. If the female lives after this, she is lucky to survive. Next, the male will carefully take one egg at a time and place a bubble in the nest. Finally he protects and tends to the nest until the fry hatch. After hatching the male needs to be removed from the tank because he will eat his own fry.

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No, they can't but they care for the eggs in a bubble nest.

A bubble nest is where baby fry (baby fish) that are still in the eggs get fertilized in about 2 days.

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Q: Can female betta fish give birth?
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Why do female betta fish need a male betta fish to give birth?


How long is it before the female betta fish gives birth?

she doesn't give birth - she lays eggs. :o)

What kinda fish give birth?

All (female) fish give birth.

How do you make a male betta fish happy?

feed it and then give it a female beta fish. if you do this in the wrong order he will eat the female and waste your food.

How do you take care or 300 betta fish babies?

My sugestion is that you sell them because the female wil try to eat them and the male will kill the female and you will loose you female betta fish so give them to a pet store or sell em

Which fish give birth to youbg ones?

I am pretty sure that the female fish is the fish that gives birth to the baby fish...but I am not sure.

Is there anyway not to make a male betta not fight the female?

no there is not just put them in different fish tanks or give one away

Are guppies the only fish that gives birth?

Guppies are not the only fish, that give birth. Almost every kind of fish gives birth. However, guppies are pretty easy to give birth. Other fish, such as betta fish, most tropical fish, and angelfish are rather hard to breed, because they are aggressive and will eat their own young. So, I suggest guppies if you want to breed fish.

Signs of molly fish about to give birth?

Some signs that a Molly fish is about to give birth include a gravid spot on the female's abdomen, an enlarged abdomen, and a darkened gravid spot near the anal fin. Additionally, the female may become more reclusive and seek out secluded areas to give birth.

Betta fish toward a mirrior?

yes what about the betta fish and mirror?? will it flare or just ignore it?please give details

Do Dalmatian fish give birth to live or eggs?

They are live bearers which means that give birth to live. From every 60 to 70 days a female can give birth to about 10 to 60 young .

Can a boy betta fish have babies?

If they get along, the female will lay eggs and the male will take care of them until they hatch. If the female is left in the same tank afterward though, she may try to eat the eggs and the male will fight her.