No, you should not feed raccoons marshmallows. It is not a good idea to feed raccoons anything, as it will encourage them to associate with humans. Raccoons are common carriers of rabies which is 100% fatal to humans.
Absolutely not! Marshmallows are almost pure sugar. Birds will never naturally eat sugar out in the wild, because it can actually kill them. Do not ever feed human products or sugary products to birds, unless you'd like to explain to animal services why a beautiful, majestic winged creature died of poisoning. The only "sweet" things a bird can safely eat is fruit.
they eat marshmallows
Definatly not .
Only with chocolate and graham crackers.
Americans eat about 90,000,000 pounds of marshmallows (41 tons) but no data on exactly how many are produced
If I'm correct then marshmallow is a common noun like, I love to eat marshmallows. It would be proper if using the name of marshmallows like, these are Jet Puffe d Marshmallows.
Yes you can but make sure too brush after :)
If you eat too many you may get fat and your teeth may rot.
what does snow birds eat
birds that eat penguins
Yes, birds do in fact eat eat sedges.