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how do lionfish protect themselves

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Q: How do lionfish protect themselves with their dorsal spines?
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What fish has poisonous dorsal spines?

The marine Lionfish and several species of Stonefish have deadly poisonous glands under their dorsal fins. When the dorsal fin is pressed down the poison is injected/forced into whatever pressed the fin down. (Usually a foot).

What are some defense structures for a lionfish?

Lionfish have poisonous spines.

Do lionfish puff?

No but they attack with there spines

What fish has poison spikes?

The most well-known fish with poison spikes is the lionfish. Its dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins are equipped with venomous spines that can cause painful stings if touched. These spines are a defense mechanism to protect the lionfish from predators.

Are lionfish a threat to humans?

Yes. A lionfish has poisonous spines and a poisonous body to protect itself. If a piranha and a lionfish met, the piranha will attack the lionfish, but the lionfish would sting it, and kill the piranha and eat it.

Why do catcus have spines?

Cacti have spines to protect themselves form animals who want the water stores in the plant.

Do lionfish have spines?

Yes... Actually, they're known for their spines being extremely long and seperated...

Could a snakehead fish kill a lionfish?

Yes, but it might die after the lionfish poisons it using its spines.

Could a jellyfish kill a lionfish?

It could, but it would get some of its tentacles cut by the lionfish's sharp spines.

Why do hedgehog have spins?

Hedgehogs have spines to protect themselves from predators and threats, when threatened they curl into a ball with their spines sticking out.

Are sea star spines movable?

Yes, sea stars are able to move the spines in order to protect themselves as armor.

Could a moray eel kill a lionfish?

No. The lionfish will poison the moray eel and kill it by using its venom. Even if the moray eel binded the lionfish, the lionfish will use its deadly spines to cut the moray eel.